I've had some inquiries about getting into
MEPN, as in, how the heck that works. To be honest, I have no idea. But I can give a simple synopsis of my own history; maybe it will help in some way. Here it is, abridged. I have significant hands-on health care experience, though it is rather ancient (we're talking twelve years past). Because of this, any volunteer or health related jobs I held in the interim, I mentioned in my application. I have a graduate degree in a related field, a few publications under my belt, some first-authored and some in medical journals, and -- this came up again and again on interview day and in conversations with faculty -- I have experience and expertise in a particular area. That is to say, I have access and demonstrated commitment to a particular community. Having worked in reproductive technologies and women's health for about ten years may have been the single deciding factor in my entry to the
advanced practice perinatal nursing specialty. As for the initial decision, GPA and GRE scores are kind of like the limbo bar: if you make it under, you go on to the next round. It seems that both the statement of purpose and (strong) letters of recommendation
focusing on your proposed area/community are imperative. Beyond that, as far as I can tell, it's a total crap shoot.
I'm happy to answer any additional questions that future applicants might have. Ask away. As for the program itself, I still know nothing, so I'll refer you to friends and links over at
MEPN Nation who are finishing up the first year, looking for jobs, and prepping hard for the
Hello! Thank you for sharing your information re: MEPN. I am preparing for my MEPN interview and curious if you can remember what you were asked in your interview. Any guidance is appreciated! Thank you again.
anyone wanting specific interview info, feel free to email me... the address is on the homepage.
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