Monday, May 31, 2010

Yes, I Deliver

The circus nurse is now, officially, a (paid) labor and delivery nurse.
Goodbye academia, hello life.
Praise be.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

You're a Feminist, Boy!

Yesterday when I arrived for pick up of The Kid from his after school program, he wasn't in his usual spot in the library. Instead, I found him sitting quietly doing his homework in another classroom, supervised by an infamously strict male teacher and surrounded by other boys.

So, somewhat reflexively I asked, "Why are you all in here...did you guys get into trouble?"

"No," says he, "Joanna sent us away because she was having a talk with the girls... ONLY."

"Oh... sex ed?" I asked, confidently.

"No," he replied, "feminism."

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Wonder Show of the World

New bonny bonny album is out... available from Drag City.
Stop by for a copy.
In the meantime, why not pick up a Billy-inspired cork as well?

Don't ask me, I just deliver the bonny news.