We watched
The Howling night before last. Having seen it at the way-too-early age of about eight with my older brother I remembered being scared to death, so during
one particular scene where his breathing was becoming labored and his feet were inching closer and closer to me, I asked The Kid, "Is this okay?" "Yesfineitsfine" was his reply, eyes glued intently to the screen.
Yesterday I asked him about the movie again, this time in relationship to the
Italian zombie movies for which he has absolutely no tolerance. "It was fine. The scariest part was the fully naked woman and whatever they were doing by the fire."
"Yes, but what about the werewolves? When they changed, that was pretty scary, right?"
"No. Not really. It was cool the way they pulsated."
"But zombies are still too scary?"
"Mom, don't you know that the undead is a lot more scary? The undead are
real. Werewolves are just fantasy." And with that, he swiftly moved on to asking to see
An American Werewolf in London.
To think that I was once somewhat proficient in the folklore of demonology. Not anymore, apparently.